AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Configuring the MySQL Server

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Revision as of 22:29, 29 May 2013 by imported>Aeric

Configuring the MySQL Server

Terminology used in this section:

MySQL Server
The database server, which has MySQL Server software installed, configured and running
MySQL Client
Any other computer which connects to the database server and has the MySQL Client software installed, configured and running
  • The client connects to the database server for purposes of accessing data
  • For example, a webserver may be such a client
Configuration file
my.cnf, a MySQL configuration file that may be edited and used in the MySQL client or MySQL Server installation

Configure MySQL using these values:

Storage Engine
default-storage-engine = innodb
Server System Variables Configuration
It has been observed that READ_UNCOMMITTED does not work well with Row-Based Replication. Use one of the following configurations:
a) Either STATEMENT-BASED or MIXED replication, with the Transaction Isolation level dictated by business needs.
b) ROW-BASED replication with transaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED
User Configuration
  • Create a user account with password in MySQL to be used by the Application Server
  • The user account should have all MySQL privileges enabled on all databases
  • The default root account that is created during the installation of MySQL can be used
sql-mode Configuration
  • For a First-Time installation:
  • Add the following code to the my.cnf file located in the MySQL Client:
  • Add the following code to the my.cnf file located in the MySQL Server:
MySQL Configuration for UTF-8 Unicode character set
  • Add the following code to the my.cnf file, located in the MySQL Client:
  • Add the following code to the my.cnf file, located in MySQL Server:
The character set defines how records can be alphanumerically ordered (or grouped, sorted, filtered, indexed). Because the list of supported languages is determined by the character set available at the server level, the UTF-8 Unicode character set configuration is required as part of MySQL configuration. See Specify character settings at MySQL configuration time for details.
max_allowed_packet Configuration
  • Add the following variable to my.cnf or my.ini
max_allowed_packet = 8M. See additional information regarding this variable for details.
  • Restart the MySQL server to implement these changes