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Related Information

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 00:49, 27 February 2014 by imported>Aeric (→‎Related Information Sections)

View Data: {tab} > {record} > Related Information (if present in the form)
Customize: GearIcon.png > Customization > Objects > {object} > Forms > {form} > Related Information

When a record is displayed, this section displays related records--records in other objects that contain a Lookup to the current record. The result is a 360-degree view of the current record that surveys all relevant data.

Viewing Related Records

When viewing a Customer, for example, the Related Information section shows you all Orders the Customer has made. That view is made possible by the fact that the Orders object has a lookup to Customers:


A Related Information section is automatically created for all objects, although you may choose to hide that information when a record is displayed in a Form. You can also create additional (optional) Related Information Sections.

Learn more: Object Relationships

Related Records

As additional Object relationships are added, the related records are displayed in a new section. Each new section uses the Object name as the heading title, and can include the following built-in Custom Form Actions:

  • [New Record] to add a record to any object in the section
  • [New Note] or [New Attachment] (Optional)
  • [New Email] or [Log Activity] (Optional)

Field Audit Log

When Field Audit Log Settings are enabled, the Related Information section displays a log of changes to data in the fields that were selected for auditing.

Related Information Sections

Related Information Sections can display records from a Related Object or from an External Data Source.

__TBD: or Reports__


Users that have the Customize Objects permission can can develop personalized sections in records. 

A new Related Information section can be created for any object that is the target of a Lookup. (For most Lookups, related records appear in the default Related Information section. But you can remove them from there before creating a separate section.)


Note: The Multi Object Lookup is a special kind of Lookup that does not generate a Related Information section automatically. To show records related by that kind of relationship, you create the Related Information section manually, in the object which has become the target of a Multi Object Lookup.


Adding Action Buttons to a Related Information Section

When you create an additional Related Information Section, you can also add Action buttons to those sections. |}

Object-Based Related Information Section

To add an Object-Based Related Information Section:

  1. Click GearIcon.png > Customization > Objects > {object} > Forms > {form}
  2. Click the New Related Information link
  3. Provide the information below
  4. Click [Save].
    The name of the Related Information section appears in the Form
Information Source: Object
Object Name
Name of the Object
Title for this information; The page expands to display additional fields.
Specify Fields to Link
  • Select the first field from the list of those available in the selected object
  • Select the second field, which contains the ID
Note: If the first field selected was a Multi Object Lookup field, then ID is the only valid choice. If any other choice is made, the Related Information section will be empty.
  • Optionally, click the (+) icon to add additional linked fields
  • Click the [-] button to remove linked fields
Learn more: About the Specify Fields to Link Option
Select Fields to Display
Select fields in the list of those Available, and click the right-arrow button to move them to the Selected column; Optionally, click the up- or down-arrow buttons to change the order in which the fields appear
Sort By
Choose a field to determine the sort order of the records, and choose either Descending or Ascending order
Additional Sort By
Optionally, choose a second-level sort
  • Choose a field to determine the sort order of the records, and choose either Descending or Ascending order


Scrolling Window Size
Define the number of rows to display by selecting a Scrolling Window Size; Choose from:
  • No Scrolling, Show all Rows
  • 5 Records, Scroll Window
  • 10 Records, Scroll Window
  • 20 Records, Scroll Window
  • 30 Records, Scroll Window
  • 40 Records, Scroll Window
  • 50 Records, Scroll Window


Specify a Linking Field for a Join

Use this section to define a "join" between objects. When a join is defined, two objects become related.

Learn more: Define Join Relationships
  • Joins are based on a set of field visibility lookups, name fields and fields succeeded by a '#'
  • Joins are also possible on the fields which are part of the object Index
  • In the case of multiple fields in the object index, only the first field is considered for joining
  • A total of three joins can be specified

Managing Related Information Sections

Display Settings