AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Exercise 09: Managing Data

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 14:17, 14 December 2022 by Wikieditor (talk | contribs) (→‎Theory)
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Data Display Options

  • Views and Reports organize data to be displayed
  • Views and Reports can be also displayed as Widgets on a Dashboard


  • Find “records of interest” and present them on screen
  • Present data of one Object in a list format
  • Typically used to navigate to particular records
  • Default Views and custom Views


  • Provide high-level perspective operations
  • List records, make graphs, calculate summaries (max, min, sum, avg)
  • Add formula fields
  • Example: (numberField=1) if checkbox_flag=true, else (numberField=0)
  • Can then total the number of checkboxes and get sum or average
  • Can also be used to drill down to a particular record (like a View)
  • Can display joined data of related Objects using Database Views

Custom Views

  • You can edit/configure default Views for an Object
  • You can also add custom Views for an Object
  • Specify:
    • Fields to be displayed
    • Field column order
    • Optional filter(s) by date or field value
  • Provide a View name when saving
  • Determine visibility

Report Features - Overview

  • Organize Reports into report folders
  • Group data by rows and columns
  • Computation functions
  • Color Coding
  • Chart data in many graphic styles
  • Email Reports to individuals or teams
  • Display Reports as a widget on the Dashboard
  • Export Reports to PDF or CSV file
  • Excel Print (.xlsx)
  • HTML Print (browser window, use “Save As” to store)
  • Create ad hoc Computed Fields (in each record) and Summary Computed Fields (to summarize a column of data)
  • Report Schedules: run one or more Reports at a specific time
  • Join & present data of multiple Objects via Database Views

Structures that can be Used in Reports

  • Chart formats:
    • Pie
    • Funnel
    • Line
    • Bar Chart
      Bar Chart.png
    • Meter Gauge
      Meter Guage.png
  • Tabular Reports display data in rows and columns with color coding
    Tabular Reports.png
  • Matrix Reports summarize data
    Matrix Report.png

Reports and Database Views

Joining Data of Related Objects

  • A database join combines two or more tables to create a new, virtual table
  • In the AgileApps platform, that goal is achieved using a Database View
    • A Database View lets you define a complex data model by specifying a join across related Objects

      Database Views.png

  • A Database View can be used as the basis for a Report

Organizing and Scheduling Reports

  • Reports can be organized into Report Folders
    • Permissions can be set up for a specific Report
  • You can additionally define Report Schedules to schedule Reports to run
  • Report will be sent by mail
  • Specify:
    • Print Format
    • Recipients email addresses
    • Scheduling details
      • Run Date
      • Recurrence
      • Run Time
      • Stop Data

New Report Schedule.png


  • Application comes with an “Application Home Page” Dashboard
  • You can
    • Create new Dashboards with one up to three columns
    • Add/remove/customize Widgets to/from/on existing Dashboards
  • Widget displays
    • View
    • Report
    • HTML
    • Page

Managing Views, Reports, and Dashboards

  • Regular users can create Views, Reports, and assemble Dashboards
  • Administrators
    • Have global access to all Views (record lists) and Reports defined across the Tenant
    • Can fix a View or Report created by any User
    • Modify or remove a View or Report created by someone who is no longer with the organization
    • Configuration > Administration > Access Management > Manage Views and Reports

Views and Reports.png

Further Administration Options

  • Data Management
    • Manage large amounts of data in one step
    • Merging Case data for one Case record
  • Account Management
    • Manage your company’s account
  • Monitoring
    • Monitor operations that are running in the background

Administration - Data Management Categories

Data Management.png

Importing Data: Records with Lookup Fields

  1. Upload the lookup target records (for example, Accounts)
  2. Upload records with lookup fields (for example, Cases)
  3. For each lookup field:
    1. Select the data column that has a lookup value to use
    2. The select a “foreign key” field to “Match by”

Custom Fields.png

  • With those settings, the account name stored in the CSV file is compared to the Account Name field in the Accounts records
    • The first matching record becomes the target of the Lookup field
    • Can also match using:
      • The record ID field (for exported data that contains it)
      • The “record identifier” defined for the target Object

Merging Data

  • While viewing a Case, in the Actions list, a user can:
  1. Select Merge
    • Operation exists only for the Cases Object
  2. Choose a target record to merge with
  • Result:
    • The current record is moved to the recycle bin
    • The target record appears in the user’s display, with its fields unchanged
    • Summary and description from the original record are added to the target-record’s activity history
    • The original record’s activity history and files are added
    • Tasks from the original case are added to the target record (The target record’s owner becomes the owner of the tasks)
    • Processes from the original case are transferred to the target record


This exercise has four parts:

