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Mass Operations

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Revision as of 23:01, 18 July 2011 by imported>Aeric

Mass Operations allow you to quickly edit, delete or change ownership of a series of records (defined by a View), in a "batch" or "bulk" process.

About Mass Operations

The Mass Update and Mass Ownership Change features act like a "search-and-replace" function to make it easier to change information within the database.


Users that have the Access Mass Data Operations permission can manage Mass Operations 

Offline Processing for Batches of 2500 Records or More

When a Mass Operation request is made that contains more than 2500 records, that operation will be handled offline, as system resources allow.

Working with Mass Operations

Mass Update

GearIcon.png > Administration > Data Management > Mass Update Data

The Mass Update Data feature lets you quickly update field-specific information for multiple records.

Learn more: Mass Operations


  • Set the [Do Not Mass Email] field to 1 (True) for a group of contact records
  • Change the Due Date for a group of task records
  • Update a Department name for a group of account records
  • In order to apply a mass update, first create a View that includes all the records to be updated
  • Because a Mass Update action overwrites field data, this action cannot be revoked
  • The Recycle Bin option is not available for Mass Update actions

To apply a Mass Update:

  1. Create a custom View that filters for the records you want
  2. Click GearIcon.png > Administration > Data Management > Mass Update Data
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Select an Object from the list
    • Select the View that contains the records you want to update
  4. Choose a Field and specify the new Value
  5. Click the [Execute] button to apply the update to all the records in the view.
    A confirmation dialog appears.
  6. Click the [OK] button to confirm the action.

See Mass Operation Status to monitor progress of the update.

See Offline Processing for Batches of 2500 Records or More for details on handling large batch operations.

Mass Ownership Change

GearIcon.png > Administration > Data Management > Mass Ownership Change

The Mass Ownership Change feature lets you quickly change the Ownership designated in multiple records. In order to apply a mass ownership change, you must first create a View that includes all the records that you want to change.

Learn more: Mass Operations


To update Ownership information::

  1. Create a custom View that filters for the records you want
  2. Click GearIcon.png > Administration > Data Management > Mass Ownership Change
  3. In the Change Ownership page, enter your information in the required fields:
    • Select an Object from the list.
    • Select a View that contains the records you want to reassign.
    • Select the Type of assignment: To an Individual or a Team.
    • Select the individual or team who will become the owner of the records.
  4. Click the [Execute] button to apply the change to all the records in the view.
    A confirmation dialog appears.
  5. Click the [OK] button to confirm the action.
    When the Mass Operation completes, you see a success message with the number of records transferred.

To view the changes that have been made, click the object that you selected as the Resource and, if necessary, open one or more records.

See Offline Processing for Batches of 2500 Records or More for details on handling large batch operations.

Mass Delete Data

GearIcon.png > Administration > Data Management > Mass Delete Data

The Mass Delete Data feature provides the ability to quickly delete multiple records based on specific criteria, as defined in a View.

Learn more: Mass Operations

Perform a Mass Delete

To do a Mass Delete:

  1. Create a View that selects the desired records
  2. Click GearIcon.png > Administration > Data Management > Mass Delete Data.
  3. In the Mass Delete Data page, enter the following information in the required fields:
    • Select an Object from the list
    • Select the View that contains the records to delete
  4. Click the [Execute] button to delete all the records in the selected view
    A confirmation dialog appears
  5. Click [OK] to confirm the action.

The records are moved to the Recycle Bin, where they are held for 30 days. A success message is displayed, indicating the number of records deleted.

Undo a Mass Delete

To undo a Mass Delete, see Recycle Bin.

See Offline Processing for Batches of 2500 Records or More for details on how large batch operations are handled.

Delete an Audit Log

After a mass delete action is executed on Audit Log records, a single entry is recorded in the Audit Log, which includes these elements:

  • Filter criteria of the View used to select the records to delete; Contains these fields: Filter by Record Ownership, Date Filter, Column (Field) Filter and Subquery filter
  • Object Name
  • Number of records deleted

Monitoring Progress

To follow the progress of the Mass Operation:

  1. Click Settings > Data Management > Mass Operations Status
  2. Optionally, view the status update; Click Settings > Data Management > Mass Operations Status. This page is updated after processing every 100 records
    Statistics are displayed, indicating the number of records processed and any error messages (indicating records that could not be processed)
  3. Wait for notification by email that the Mass Operation is complete