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Create an HTML Document Template

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 21:44, 26 July 2013 by imported>Aeric (→‎Accessing Related Records)

Creating the Template File

  1. On your local system, create an HTML page, using whichever editor you favor.
  2. Add boilerplate text and fixed graphics.
  3. Insert any of the Document Template Variables that are available when you Add a Document Template.
  4. Insert record-specific images and/or charts, as explained below.

Working with Template Variables

Inserting Template Variables

  1. Begin to Add a Document Template or [Edit] an existing template.
    The Template Variable Tool appears.
  2. Select the Category of fields to choose from.
    (Fields in the current object or Related Objects, User fields, or Company fields)
  3. Under Fields, scroll down the list to find fields in the current record or in a Lookup target record.
  4. Select the field to add.
    The variable name appears.
  5. Copy the variable name to the clipboard.
  6. In the template file, paste the variable name you copied.

Convert Currency Variables to Numbers

When you want to do calculations on a currency field in Velocity, you need to create a number from the currency strings delivered by the platform. That string has the form $24.95. The following code converts it to a number that can be used in calculations:

#set($n = 0.00)
#set($s = $YourObject.currency_field.substring(2) )
#set($n = $n.parseDouble($s)


  • $n = 0.00 creates an instance of the double-precision float class (Double)
  • $YourObject.currency_field.substring(2) removes the first two characters from the currency string. (The $ sign and the space that follows it.)
  • parseDouble($s) converts the resulting string into a double-precision float--a number that can be used in calculations.

Accessing Related Records

Common:Accessing Related Records in HTML

Inserting Charts and Images

Inserting an Image Stored in an Object Record

To insert an image into a Document Template, use the platform IMG tag in an HTML img element.

<img src="...IMG tag...">


  • objectName - The name of the current object. (This variable is in Velocity format. The object name effectively creates a namespace, ensuring that there is no conflict with another variable that might have the same name.)
  • imageFieldName - The name of the field in the current record that contains the image to display, joined to the object name by a "dot" (.).


Important: This syntax uses braces: {...}. The braces and other underlined characters in this syntax are literals. Type them in exactly as shown.

The URL for the image is inserted into the generated page. When viewed, the image is displayed.
<img src="IMG{$Customer.logo_image}">

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